Sunday, July 26, 2009



自信心不足,不論做事或談情都處處顯得猶豫不決,既怕自己不夠好,也對對方沒有信心,最後 令到對方望而卻步。在你眼中的愛情世界,天長地久是沒有可能的,因為你會覺得這個世界中,每一個人,每一天都會改變,就算一刻兩人互相有愛火,那隻不過是 一瞬間的事,有許多環境因素或人為因素,都會令到雙方感情告終;不過有機會遇上一個自己喜歡的人,啤梨那全心全意投入的表情,卻也是無人能及。與啤梨拍拖 秘訣:要令啤梨對伴侶充滿信心,相信時間是最好的方法,因為只有時間,才能證明到兩人的愛情是否經得起考驗,而耐性也是不可欠缺的。

Pretty confident

Just now played the quiz at facebook.
It's about how confident are you.
My result is pretty confident.
wahaha...Wish that I really pretty confident

This is the answer:

You were the person the town went to for a sickness. You were very good at your profession and a humanitarian first. Some people felt secure in your capabilities, and others feared what they believed to be magical powers. Although science was not up to date with your abilities, you were able to save many lives. You traveled to your patients, and if they didn't have the money, you kindly took a rain check.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


keep crying this few days
I think this kind of action sure make you guys worry about me
but I Can't control myself
tears will drop from my eyes

oh lord, please strengthen my heart
my heart is broken now

Monday, July 13, 2009

did I make a right choice?

12th of July
I reached to SG
I don't know whether this place suit for me or not?
I don't know I will stay at this place for how long?
half year?1 year or 2 years??Or I won't come back to Malaysia again?
I don't know
I cant see what is my future

I was confuse
Did I make a right decision???
reject another offers and come to work at SG
Am I make a wrong decision???
Arrrr....I don't know la
I wish that i can be faster get used the life at SG
if not, I will be miss the KL life so much

actually now i really miss the Kl life
miss my friends